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Amber's Alert HER Centre Project

What Amber needed throughout her illness, especially when calling 000 and presenting to ED, was accurate and objective diagnosis of her illness. Many others also suffer needlessly for too long with inaccurate or incorrect diagnoses.


Like any illness, early and accurate diagnosis can lead to much better outcomes. We have funded a research project at the Monash University HER Centre, headed by Prof Jayashri Kulkarni, to develop a world-first diagnostic tool-kit including:

  • blood tests for key biomarkers;

  • rapid eye movement test;

  • EEG (brain wave measurement);

  • and a structured research derived questionnaire.


Together the data acquired will assist differential diagnosis of conditions such as Early Psychosis and its prodrome, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, Borderline Personality Disorder, complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Affective disorders (e.g. Depression and Anxiety). The overlapping symptoms and complex nature of these conditions make it difficult to provide an accurate diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment strategies.​


Via Australian Communities Foundation,

Level 6, 126 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002

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